MS Stories

Tricia from Switzerland

We have asked MS warriors to share their experience with MS and having a rollator. This is Tricia’s story:

“I was diagnosed with MS in 2018, but with hindsight the symptoms started long before. My main stopper is the strong fatigue (cognitive and physically) and pain, so I need to compromise a lot. There are sadly a lot of other symptoms such as numbness, stimulus satiation, vision problems, which would be too many to summarize all here.

To priorities my daily energy, I allow my body and my brain to rest when they need to. I take it day by day and make my well-being a priority. That means I follow a healthy nutrition, be physically active when the pain allows it, do yoga and meditation, allow and accept my feelings – in short: I learnt to be a good caring friend to myself.

I do not use a rollator daily, only occasionally on “bad days” or when having a relapse, when my body is weak.
The reason why I chose the byACRE is because it’s light. I do not only have weak (and painful) legs but also weak arms. If I need a rollator on the so-called “bad days”, to push something heavy and bulky (especially when entering a bus or train etc.,) would probably make the situation worse, not better.

Also, the pinky color fits me because pink has always been my motivation color in sport. Plus, I wanted to set a statement: walking aids can be cool/sexy, they do not need to be boring.”

“I wanted to set a statement: walking aids can be cool/sexy, they do not need to be boring”

– Tricia on using the byACRE Carbon Ultralight rollator

Tricia’s best tips:
  • Give it time, and I mean really time… learning that you have MS is nothing you digest in a few weeks or even months (I’m still learning).


  • MS has a thousand faces, none is the same. Talk to your doctors; seek facts and advices from them, and from other serious and verified sources (books, online) and talk/connect with other affected people – while, at the same time, stay connected with yourself- because as I said, there is not “the one MS” and everyone experiences it differently.


  • Be the best friend you could wish for to yourself; be patient and kind to yourself, challenge yourself while at the same time accept the (new) boundaries. Don’t be ashamed to use aids if they help you in daily life or bringing more quality into your life.