Which size of a byACRE carbon rollator should you get?


Our Carbon Ultralight rollator walker is available in three sizes – compact, regular and wide. There are a couple of things to consider when choosing rollator size. Most people can fit more than one size. A good start is to ask yourself where you plan to use your rollator, and then pick one that fits you and your environment.

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The compact model is the smallest and most narrow model. It will fit narrow doorframes and small spaces. However, the seat may require a bit more flexibility to get into, since it has a smaller width between the handles.

The seat width: 41 cm.


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The regular model is the perfect fit for when in between the other two models. It is slightly wider than the compact, and less than the wide. It is our standard model that fits most people.

The seat width: 42,5 cm.

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The wide model has a wider frame and wider seat, which makes it a bit more comfortable to sit in. However, the wide model won’t fit through quite as easily into as many doorways.

The seat width: 47 cm.

How to decide: Measure height, seat and hip width

Handle height


When deciding on which size to get, the first thing to consider is the height of the handles. The handle height is adjustable on all our models, however differ in terms of how much.

It is important that the height of the rollator handles match the height of your wrists, measured when standing.

The handle height for the Carbon Ultralight Compact is 78 – 90 cm, while for the Regular and Wide Track it is 80 – 95 cm. The Carbon Overland has a handle height of 83 – 96 cm. The Nordic Pioneer has a handle height of 84 – 94 cm.



How to: measure the height from the floor up to your wrist when standing, and then compare with the handle heights available on our rollators to see which one that is compatible with you.

Since your arms will be at a slight angle forwards as you grip the handles, we recommend adding one or two centimeters to your measured wrist height.

P.S. remember to measure your height while wearing shoes as well if you plan to use your rollator outside.

Getting the correct handle height is important, as it enables you to walk upright and not be hunched over when using the rollator.

Seat height


The seat height is not adjustable, but it differs between the compact and the regular and wide models.


The compact model seat height is 57 cm, while the regular and wide models are both at 61 cm.

The Carbon Overland has a seat height of 62 cm.

The Nordic Pioneer has a seat height of 61,5 cm.

To find out which one that fits you best, try finding a chair in your home with a height close to our rollators. You can try raising its height by using books, pillows, or other fabrics.

It is important to easily be able to get in and out of the rollator seat, so try sitting in the chair you found and see if you’d be comfortable getting in and out of it frequently.

How much you tend to use the seat matters for your choice of model. If you rely on the seat for frequent rests, a wider seat will be a more comfortable option. If you won’t be sitting a lot and you are fine with doing a bit of salsa when getting in and out of the seat, then a slimmer model would be a good match.

Seat width


When getting in and out of the seat, it is important that your hip width is less than the seat width on your rollator. You can still use your rollator even if it is a bit too narrow, but you may need to do a bit of a salsa to get into the seat.

You should also consider whether you often wear thick coats (especially in the winter) or other things around your waist, as you would then need a bit extra space.


The seat width for the Carbon Ultralight Compact is 41 cm, Regular 42,5 cm and Wide 47 cm.

The seat width for the Carbon Overland is 46 cm, and for Nordic Pioneer 47 cm.

Other things to consider

Indoor vs Outdoor use

If you plan on using your rollator mostly inside, with chairs nearby and narrow walk-ways,
a slimmer model is advisable, since it takes up less space and have a bigger marginal to fit through doors.

If you are in doubt between two models, we recommend getting the wider option.